Arnica montana is a rhizomatous perennial herbaceous plant, belonging to the Asteraceae family.

The birthplace of Arnica montana is represented by high mountain pastures, where the cool, mild and sunny weather ensures the ideal conditions for the development of the plant.

However, one of the many virtues of Arnica montana is that it can also be cultivated.

Arnica Montana: proprietà e benefici


The flowers of Arnica montana, that are yellow-orange and that typically bloom between July and August, are often used in order to obtain medicinal products.

The  extract of Arnica montana, derived from the roots, or the rhizome can also be contained in drugs in a low-dose, in different pharmaceutical forms (tablets, drops, cream, sprays and ampoules).

Arnica: proprietà, benefici e controindicazioni

Arnica montana and, specifically, the inflorescences, the rhizomes, the roots and the leaves contain herbal active principles, such as:

  • sesquiterpenes.
  • essential oils.
  • terpenoids.
  • sesquiterpenic lactones.
  • flavonoids.
  • phenolic acids, in particular chlorogenic acids.

These compounds give Arnica montana activities, such as:

  • antiseptic.
  • anti-inflammatory.
  • painkillers.
  • antibacterial.
  • antisclerotic.
  • antifungal.
  • antioxidants.


Thanks to its infinite properties, Arnica montana is suitable for:

  • promote the healing of wounds.

Processo di guarigione delle ferite: ipossia e traumi

  • relieve pain, decrease swelling and protect the capillaries, in case of muscle strains, injuries, contusions and bruises.

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  • remedy mouth and throat inflammation.

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  • relieve the hassles of insect bites.

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  • soothe minor burns.

Curare le scottature solari con gli oli essenziali - Vivo di Benessere

  • remedy sore throats, superficial phlebitis and gum problems associated with dental avulsion.

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In addition, in cosmetics it is possible to find Arnica montana as an ingredient of hair tonics and anti-dandruff preparations.

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Arnica montana is available in several formulations:

  • phytotherapeutic: mother tincture, glyceric extract, essential oil.

Olio di arnica: proprietà, utilizzi e controindicazioni

  • low dose medicine: granules, tablets, drops, ampoules for internal use; ointments, creams, gels for external use.

Arnica: usi, proprietà e controindicazioni - Melarossa

In order for its use to be safe for the consumer, Arnica montana can’t be used orally in dosages and formulations typical of phytotherapy, because it is cardiotoxic, so it has toxic effects on the heart.

Therefore, a hydroalcoholic extract is usually prepared, through dilution and dynamization procedures (low dose medicine): this allows Arnica montana to be safe for the health of those who use it.

Gruppo Salute e Sicurezza

For the production of ointments and creams, Arnica montana is often mixed with other important ingredients, in order to ensure a more incisive action.

For example, it is combined with other substances with anti-inflammatory properties, such as:

  • almond oil.
  • shea butter.
  • devil’s claw
  • rose hip.

Ossigeno Ozono Terapia Ozono antinfiammatorio|ozonoterapia antinfiammatoria Azione Antinfiammatoria

Instead, other ingredients are sometimes combined with Arnica montana, in order to make products that, for example, are used to contain the infectious evolution of wounds.

Difese Naturali contro le Infezioni