Zinc is a trace element, i.e. a mineral present in the body in small quantities, amounting to approximately 2 grams in an adult individual.

Zinco Dell'elemento Chimico Dalla Tabella Periodica Illustrazione di Stock - Illustrazione di metallico, disposizione: 94234047

Among the various forms of zinc, there is zinc gluconate: gluconate is a form consisting of zinc bound to gluconic acid, containing about 14% elemental zinc.

bis(D-gluconato-O1,O2)zink | 4468-02-4


Alimenti Ricchi di Zinco: Quali Sono?

The major dietary sources of zinc are animal products such as meat, fish, shellfish, poultry, eggs and dairy products.

The concentration of zinc in vegetables varies with the level of the mineral in the soil and is highest in wheat (germ and bran) and other starchy or oil seeds.

More specifically, the foodstuffs characterised by higher amounts of the metal are:

Alimento Quantità di zinco mg/ 100 g
Cooked oyster 181,61
Raw oyster 90,81
Breakfast cereals 12,4
Wheat germ 12,29
Bovine liver 12,02
Poppy seed 10,23
Fresh brewer’s yeast 9,97
Bitter dark chocolate 9,63
Dried clover 8,8
Sesame seed 7,75
Cooked leg of lamb 7,69
Dried mushroom 7,66
Cardamom 7,47
Wheat bran 7,27

The body is only able to absorb about 20-30% of the amount of zinc found in food; moreover, the zinc found in vegetables is in a less available and more difficult to absorb form.


According to the European Union, the recommended daily intake of zinc is 15 mg for men and 8-12 mg for women, but can increase to 19 mg per day during pregnancy and lactation.


Within the human body, zinc has anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant and antioxidant properties and performs multiple functions:

  • it is a component of hundreds of enzyme complexes involved in the metabolism of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids.


  • it is necessary for the functioning of several hormones, such as thyroid, insulin, sex hormones and growth hormone
  • it stabilises membranes and other cellular components, thus being essential for organ structure and integrity

Organi dell'Addome: Quali sono? Suddivisione e Organi Vitali

  • being essential for cell division, it is involved in growth and development during pregnancy, childhood and adolescence

Rete del Percorso Nascita fisiologico

Furthermore, Zinc is also involved in:

  1. DNA synthesis/Gene expressionIl perché della struttura del DNA – Upbiotech
  2. Immune responseQuanto dura l'immunità naturale alla covid? - Focus.it
  3. Wound healingImmagini Stock - Un Cerotto Utilizzato Per La Rapida Fornitura Di Una Ferita, Si è Tagliato-out.. Image 65544171.
  4. Tissue repair
  5. Perception of taste and smell


A zinc deficiency is difficult to detect and rarely causes serious consequences. However, chronic deficiency of this nutrient can lead to

  • Skin changes
  • Hair loss
  • Diarrhoea
  • Infections
  • Psychological problems
  • Delay in sexual development and maturation
  • Impotence
  • Weight loss
  • Impaired wound healing
  • Impaired taste and sense of smell
  • Vitamin A deficiency